Saturday 26 December 2009

Week 11

This week we did our presentation and I'm quite happy with it because everything went fine, just as we predicted. Even though I'm quite happy with it but there are things we can do to improve it and make it a better presentation. If we have had more time I think we would make it more professional and more eye catching. I know our presentation wasn't the most interesting one therefore if we can make it more eye catching it may be more interesting. Since we are limited in time with only 10 minutes, we tried to keep it on time and make it as short as possible. It was hard to cut everything down because everything in the article seems important but we did not have the space to include it.

I find this a good experience and will help me improve my presentation skills. Overall I think this module assessment quite interesting because I have never done a Wiki before and I did learned a lot of new google skills. I find this assessment better than having an exam because I find it very difficult to understand, it really did help with all the presentations and discussions done in class. I think I would have had a problem if this module was based on exam only, because it is very complicated.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Week 10

This week some of the groups did their presentations and every single one seems quite professional, very different to what we used to do in class with the transparent papers. I can see that all the groups put a lot of effort in putting up a presentation. There was one presentation that really caught my eyes, it was really fancy and professional. I really liked that one, even though it might have been a bit too much but its something I haven't seen before. Looking at the presentations, I now have some idea how we can do ours and really don't need to panic about it.

Since now we have already started to work on our presentation, we chose to use the google presentation and I find it very useful because all the members can just edit it online and we can save time. I never used google presentation before and never knew that it existed. I have learned something new and very useful. Even though it is not as good as powerpoint but all the essential things are up there for us to create a presentation.

We have been communicating and we have decided to meet up on Thursday to do a run through and I think it will go well.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Week 9

We did not have a lecture this week but we still met up and discussed about out Wiki and presentation. Since we got out topic on The "reasonable doubt" criterion in jury decision making, we received some extra help because on one of our readings, it is a bit complicated therefore needed some clarification. I'm quite happy with my group because everyone showed up and cooperated.

In order to be fair we decided to write down the tasks on a piece of paper and randomly pick out what each person will do. Everyone now know what they are supposed to do and we will communicate through internet and try to get everything done on time. My aim is to finish all my work before Christmas :)

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Week 8

This week we did a revision section, we discussed everything we have learned so far and what was most interesting. For me personally I think framing effect was the most interesting because I got to know more in depth doing the Wiki on it. I still find it interesting with the disease problem and find it quite easy to understand.

Having the first Wiki being done, I find it quite amazing how we can develop a Wiki page, I have never thought of creating one and now we have. We got to know our second Wiki topic and we are doing it on The "reasonable doubt" criterion in jury and decision making. Even though this was our second choice I think it will still be interesting and since I have some kind of idea on jury decision making because of having a lecture on it in Forensic psychology. I think I will learn more and something new because it will also be about reasonable doubt which we have not touched upon it yet. During the end of the class we assigned each other some work, just to look over the papers mentioned in the module booklet and decide what we can do to split up the work. Since there are no formal lecture next week, we still decided to meet up and talk about the presentation and Wiki. Hopefully next week we will get everything clear and ready to work!

Thursday 26 November 2009

Week 7

There was no lecture for week 7 but since we had the Wiki assignment to do, all of us worked on our Wiki. At first I had problems with editing the Wiki because I could not edit anything on my group's page and could not even comment it. Then I went to one of my group member and asked her how to get access to it and she told me what to do and the problem was solved. Basically this week I have been working on my Wiki and finished it.

When I checked weblearn I saw a message saying that we have to do a presentation on the Wiki in class. I then asked my group members and we are not quite sure what to do so therefore we decided to ask in class in week 8. We have also discussed a bit on the second Wiki since we got to know what topic we got and it is about jury decision. Since some of us have forensic psychology including myself, we have had a lecture about jury decision and hopefully that will help us with the Wiki. We are going to discuss more about the second Wiki in class when we all meet up in class in week 8.

Hopefully everything will be a success!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Week 6

This week we have been focusing on endowment effect and my group was chosen to read the paper Neoclassical Theory Versus Prospect Theory: Evidence From the Market Place by List. This paper was quite easy to understand and not that difficult to read. At first I did not fully understand the neoclassical theory but then after the discussion with the group and help from the group members, I understood it. Neoclassical theory is to maximise the utility, making rational choice and act on all information. So far what we have been doing in class, every readings for the lecture links with each other. For example on most all the papers that I have read during this module, it has some linkage to prospect theory. Such as the paper mentioned, neoclassical theory and prospect theory were the main theories in the paper. With endowment effect, I can understand that people put a higher value to the things they earn and I somehow agree with it. I do think people put higher value on the tings they earn because as for myself I think I value my belongings higher.

In List's paper it mentioned that with less experienced dealer, prospect theory was found to have a stronger predictive power than for the experienced dealer. To predict the experienced dealer it was found that using the neoclassical theory was stronger. I can see that this makes sense because with inexperienced dealer they care more about gain and loss and losses weight heavier than gain. When loss is weight more than gain, it will be easier to predict with the inexperienced dealer because then we can focus more on the loss and predict what their outcome will be. With the experienced dealer, neoclassical theory predicted better because with neoclassical theory, the main point is to think rational in order to maximise the utility using all the information. In my own opinion experienced dealer will probably look at all the information provided and try to think how they can maximise their utility not only thinking about the loss and not putting a lot of weight on loss.

After discussing with the whole class, we then discussed about the Wiki project that is due in for Friday and it went good. We separated different tasks and everyone agreed on the task assigned. I thought it went well because everyone cooperated and there were no arguments about what who should do what. Our goal is to get it done before Friday and hopefully we can have it all done on time. We also discussed about the second wiki that we have to do for the rest of the semester which also went very well because everyone agreed on the same topics and I think we will again cooperate well on the next project.

Monday 9 November 2009

Week 5

This week lecture was about framing and the paper I had to read was Gain-Loss Framing and Choice: Separating Outcome Formulations from Descriptor Formulations. First when I read this paper I thought it was not that hard to understand and I thought I understood everything. When it came to discussing and preparing information on the overhead paper, I found it hard for me to write down the important information and that I actually did not fully understood the paper. I think discussing the paper in class with the group members is a good idea because I find it useful and easier to understand the paper. It is sometimes hard to understand every important detail therefore discussing it may help.

I found Tversky and Kahneman experiment on the disease problem interesting and it is easy to remember. It is easy to remember because it relates to real life situations, even though the situation created may not happen but I could imagine it. I found the result most interesting because if taking more time to read the questions, they actually are the same but participant chose more of a positive effect. The first time I read the questions, I think I would choose the same as most of the participant did because I would choose people being saved rather than people being killed. I understood why participant would choose A and D but not A and C. Even though A and C are the same but the wording is different therefore affects participant’s decision on choosing their answer. After reading the disease problem I can see the relevant in Mandel’s follow up experiment because in Tversky and Kahneman’s disease problem experiment, there are problems with the wording and therefore may affect others decision. Reading Mandel’s paper I got somehow confused with his experiments but after discussing it in class I tend to get the main point and did understand the results.

Since it is getting closer to week 7, I’m a bit worried about the first assignment which is the first Wiki webpage we are supposed to create. I’m worried because none of us have done a Wiki before therefore is new to us and not sure where to start. We have somehow decided what topic we will be doing it on and hopefully we can all work well together.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Week 4

This week we were meant to read the paper "The Priority Heuristic: Making Choices Without Trade-Offs" and I found this paper not too difficult to read but sometimes quite confusing because of all the numbers. While reading this paper I have noticed that some of the information seemed quite familiar to me because we have touched upon it in cognitive 2.

We were then meant to do an exercise to measure our utility in two different ways. As shown on the right hand side I have done the exercise and roughly both graphs look the same. When plotting the graphs I got very confused and took me a long time to figure out how to do it. I'm not sure if I have the probability equivalence plotted correctly but I think the reason why it may look different is because of the figures and how the questions were set. For the certainty equivalence, it took me longer time to think about the questions than the probability one. It took me longer time because it really did make think through what to put down for my answers and that how much I'm willing to loose. I found it easier to put down the percentage because the higher the certain value gets, makes me clear that in order to make the lottery ticket and the certain value indifferent the percentage of winning the lottery must be higher. Completing this exercise makes me realise that I'm not a risk seeking person but rather a risk averse. I'm noticing this by when doing the exercise I'm not willing to spend a lot of money to risk wining more money and if I'm willing to then the percentage of winning more money must be high.

During the lecture, I found the taxi cases quite interesting that in America inexperience taxi driver would work longer on a normal day rather than a busy day. When I first heard that, I thought to myself why would they do that and not work longer on a busy day? After a bit of a discuss, I understood that taxi drivers set a target for themselves and therefore on a busy day, they can get off earlier because of reaching their targets quicker. I also understand the standard method to maximise earning is to take advantage on busy days, working longer and trying to earn more. Thinking about being a taxi driver, for me I would set a target for myself each day and work until I reach the target but also take advantage of working longer on busy days not setting a specific target. Wouldn't this maximise the earning even more?